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The most eye-catching work in Badhusparken.

Hoffa - konstverket i Badhusparken

Half a tonne of steel rising two metres above the ground. - ‘It feels good that the sculpture has become more of a monument than originally intended,’ says artist Jens Erlandsson.

The space belongs to everyone
Before the project started, the students went around and got to know Åmål. While most stuck to the beautiful and well-visited places, Erlandsson sought out the shadow side of society. That's how he met and started working with two addicts in the English Park. Together, the trio created the metal piece that now stands on the other side of the water, seen from the benches where two of them usually sit, before they are chased away. - ‘Public space is for everyone, whether you're a lawyer or an addict,’ says Jens Erlandsson.

The sculpture depicts a staircase with two bronze shoes, taking a steady step upwards. The work is inspired by Dalsland's industrial history, but is dedicated to one of the disappeared, who recently passed away. Hopefully the sculpture will become permanent says Jens Erlandsson, 2014.

Hoffa is not owned by Åmål municipality.

Contact information

Visit Åmål Tourist Office
Hamngatan 3
SE-662 31 Åmål
Phone: +4653217098
E-mail: turist@amal.se
Web site: visitamal.se Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.


Senast uppdaterad:
24 maj 2024
10 maj 2024