Ebbe på torget
If there is anyone associated with market trading in Åmål, it is "Ebbe på torget"(Ebbe on the square).

During a ceremony on Thursday 7 September 2017, "Ebbe on the square" received a well-deserved engraved stone placed in ‘his’ place on the square. Åmål's municipal councillor Michael Karlsson (S) inaugurated the stone and summarised Ebbe's efforts over the years.
“Ebbe on the square” has finally become a permanent and lasting feature of the urban environment! After 62 years of service as a market trader through thick and thin, "Ebbe on the square" has more than earned the right to have his workplace named after him, and that through his own stone!
Åmål municipality also wants to show its appreciation for the importance Ebbe has meant and how he has characterised the cityscape over the decades - Åmål municipality does this by offering Ebbe the square fee in the future!
Contact information
Visit Åmål Tourist Office
Hamngatan 3
SE-662 31 Åmål
Phone: +4653217098
E-mail: turist@amal.se
Web site: visitamal.se Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
- Senast uppdaterad:
- 29 maj 2024
- Publicerad:
- 29 maj 2024